What should I do?
This is the question that keeps appearing on my mind since ELFs started updating about SS3 Seoul.
Since June, I had my plan of taking an SVIP seat on SS3 so I made some calculations and my money would be enough before October. But in the midst of saving up, I changed my mind. I decided to take a General Admission tix and treat my cousin so that she would be able to see SJ in person.
But geez.. when the live broadcast started, I wanted an SVIP seat AGAIN! But my money were ALL GONE now! What should I do? There's only TWO MONTHS before reservation starts. Where will I get 10,000php in two months?! wth!
The only solution that I can think of is taking back my decision again and go back to the General Admission plan. But it makes me veeeeeeeeeryyyyyyyyy SAD! T_T
Where is really my treasure? Super Junior or my OWN life? Are the choices right?
Can someone save me? T_T